When you meet that special person, get engaged and start to daydream of your married life ahead, the last thing on your mind is the practical financial arrangements in the event of separation. It might be that you are set to inherit the family business, and...
On 29 April 2024, the Family Procedure Rules (“FPR”) were amended to try and enhance the use of non-court dispute resolution to resolve financial and children-related disputes. The amendments place an obligation on parties, family lawyers and the...
Our family law team demonstrates why they are one of the strongest in our region As a team, we commit to delivering on our four firm Values alongside Our Promise and our Service Pledge commitments to our clients. Our Client Centred Value is - ...
Divorce and/or separation can be a difficult time for everyone, particularly for children. It can turn their world upside down and often takes time for them to become accustomed to their “new normal”. We can help guide you through in a couple of...
A guide to parents in care proceedings: help us to help you! Care proceedings are hard – we get that. Let’s take a look at our five top tips to help you navigate your way through these difficult times: 1. Honesty really is the...
As somebody who both works in Family Law, and is a mother of two boys, I am acutely aware of the importance of educating children on consent and not prescribing to the societal norm of ‘what a man should be like’. My youngest son’s...
For many years now, the rate of marriages has been steadily decreasing. The most recent statistics of the Institute of Family Studies suggest that the likelihood of an adult never marrying in 2021 was 44% greater than in 1991. With the decline in marriage,...
The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 received Royal Assent in April 2022 will come into effect on 27 February 2023. The Act will raise the age of marriage and civil partnership from 16 to 18 in England and Wales although...
‘Care proceedings’ is the general term given to an application made by the Local Authority to the Court for a Care Order or a Supervision Order in respect of a child. If the Local Authority believe that a child has suffered or is at risk of...
It is very common these days for parents to support their children in buying their first home and the “bank of Mum and Dad” comes to the rescue. Often this entails children buying a property with a partner or buying a property and having a...
In October 2021, the Nuffield FJO published the six key messages from research about children’s experience of private law proceedings. These findings may be useful to read by parents thinking about either court or child inclusive mediation. Our family...
During divorce, the court has the power to order one spouse to share his/her armed forces pension with their ex. If you are part of the armed forces, it is important your final salary pension is protected by a solicitor with experience in Military divorce ...
Making the decision to end your relationship and leave your partner can feel like a sense of relief for some but for many it also leaves you with a lot of questions about what you do next about separation, divorce, access to your children, what happens to...
Every parent wants to put their children’s interests front and centre during a divorce or separation but all too often they don’t know where to turn for help. That’s why Resolution has created the ‘Parenting Through Separation...
On 3 Sept 2021, the JVCI updated their information on vaccinating children aged 12 to 15 who do not have underlying health conditions that put them at increased risk from severe COVID-19. When deciding on childhood immunisations, the JCVI has consistently...
Are you separated and worried about what arrangements you will be able to make with your ex-partner to be able to see your child(ren) over the upcoming festive season? If you have not agreed arrangements for seeing your child(ren) over the festive period,...
Kyra Women’s Project and Crombie Wilkinson Solicitors have been working together for five years this month to support women in need of legal advice. Women often come to Kyra to make positive changes in their lives after domestic abuse, mental illness,...
Relationship breakdowns are almost always difficult and highly emotional experiences for both parties. Often breakups can leave you feeling deeply hurt or alone, and after the end of long relationships many are unsure what to do next. Here we go through the...
It has recently been announced that the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020, will not come into force until 6 April 2022, and not this autumn as the government originally planned, despite it receiving royal assent a year ago. This date is later than...
We came across this great insight into why divorcing parents need to be aware that it is the children who pay for the parents’ lack of forgiveness after divorce. Our family law team offer guidance and assistance through difficult times. ...
If the pandemic, the pressures of three lockdowns and the Tiered system with its restrictions we all now live under have meant issues in your relationship have come to a head and you no longer see a way for you to stay together , what do you do? Firstly,...
Under the National Lockdown Guidance for England, people can continue existing arrangements for contact between parents and children where they live apart. This includes childcare bubbles. Always think about your family circumstances and impact of social...
This is very good advice for parents who have divorced . If you would like advice on children arrangements or divorce , please contact a member of our trusted and caring Family law team . Following divorce it's tempting to turn your...
It is the responsibility of both parents to ensure that your child(ren) comply with the scheduled parenting time. But forcing compliance is not the clear solution, especially long-term. From a child-centered divorce perspective, it is suggested you put your...
Separated families and the coronavirus pandemic: what are the rules for children that live between two households during the Christmas period? This is a question no doubt that many parents have asked themselves and perhaps has been the cause...
We came across this great incite into co-parenting with your Ex in a harmonious way. As we head in to ‘Good Divorce Week’ w/c 30 November 2020, ways in which you can make the impact of divorce on all involved are really important for...
On top of the pandemic we are about to come to the end of the transition period and the government has published some guides for clients and others about the impact of Brexit on family law. For a House of Commons briefing paper on Divorce...
This is an interesting article on helping children survive divorce and how talking to them at the right time about their parents divorcing can help play a part in how they react and deal with feelings of anxiety and helplessness. Our Family Law team are here...
What if my home isn’t a place of safety? The latest government guidance is a required measure to fight the virus for many, but for some the danger isn’t just outside, it is also in their homes. The Office for National Statistics reported that 1.6...
Coronavirus restrictions - advice on children visiting separated parents. Children of parents who are separated can move between households during the coronavirus restrictions, minister Michael Gove has said. Some parents were worried they would not be...
To the point and clear advice for parents on what to look out for in your child(ren) with regards to changes in their behaviour which may be linked to depression. This article by Rosalind Sedacca gets straight to the point and offers practical ways to deal...
This is an excellent article by Mary S Brock and well worth reading. The Family Law team at Crombie Wilkinson Solicitors can provide you with help and advice if you are separating or going through divorce . Contact a member of our team at any...
Insightful advice on how the age of your children will affect how they react to the news and changing circumstances brought about by your divorce from M. Gary Neuman, licensed family counsellor and Florida Supreme Court-certified family mediator. No two...
Ten things you should never do in your divorce - some of which may surprise you! I thought this was ‘to the point’ advice and worth sharing from Karen Covy, author of "When Happily Ever After Ends: How to Survive Your Divorce -...
What to tell your spouse before you tell the kids about the divorce! This is a really positive article by By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT the author of the new ebook, How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce? for parents to read and act on before they sit their...
Our family law experts are available to help and advise you if you have family issues you want to resolve. Our Family Mediation service can be useful to help parties involved communicate about problems and issues. Find out about our family law and family...
Following on from the previous blog about not letting divorce destroy your kids, here is part 2 of the list of great tips for sound guidelines for parents to follow. If you are a parent going through a divorce do look through these tips as one or two of...
These are sound guidelines with valuable suggestions to safeguard your children from the negative consequences of divorce. I am a trained Family Mediator and Collaborative Lawyer and can help provide you with help and advice to manage your separation and...
On 13 June 2019, the government introduced the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill. This Bill reforms the legal requirements and process for divorce, dissolution and judicial separation set out in the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 and the Civil...
This is an interesting and thought provoking article by author Dr. Michelle Gollan (a USC graduate and a licensed Clinical Psychologist). Ending a relationship when there are children involved has many challenges and more so when they are younger children. ...
There is no hiding from it, divorce affects your children. By working together and co-parenting properly, you can mitigate negative effects of separation and divorce and provide your child(ren) with a positive environment for them to grow up in and develop. ...
Chris Myles, Head of Family Law and Family Mediator at Crombie Wilkinson Solicitors shares this excellent advice from coach Sharon Shenker from a recent practical parenting tips publication. If you are separated or divorced and would like advice on...
Divorce and dissolution of civil partnership - explanation about the expected divorce changes On 9 April 2019, the government published its response to the consultation paper, Reducing family conflict: reform of the legal requirements for divorce . The...
The Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration, etc) Act 2019 received Royal Assent on 26th March and will come into effect on 26th May this year. Section 2 of the Act, requires the Secretary of State to ensure that regulations to amend...
In response to increasing disclosure by male victims of domestic and sexual abuse the Home Office is providing £1 million to specialist support organisations as part of a drive to support victims, encourage more people to come forward and seek help and...
When divorcing or going through a separation, child arrangements are one of the most important factors to consider. Things like how many hours a week can a father see his child and when parents separate who gets custody of the child need to be...
There are very few hard and fast rules and the Courts have ultimate discretion to make whatever order is ‘fair’ on the particular facts of your case. The starting position is an equal division of assets, which can include property, savings,...
In this article we touch on an issue that casts a shadow on all sectors of our Community and can affect Rural Communities just as much as Urban, so much so that a recent Government announcement confirmed an extra £4 million is to be allocated to the...
Setting out the cost of the divorce procedure is a fairly straight forward issue but it is the additional issues alongside the actual divorce process such as resolving the financial matters and on occasion the arrangements for the children which can take a...
At Crombie Wilkinson Solicitors we can offer you collaborative law as a way to help you deal with your separation or divorce in a non-conflict way, benefiting everyone involved. Here's a good article by Sharon Shenker who has worked with children and...
Conflict can have some serious long-term effects on children. Studies have shown that it’s not the separation or divorce proper that has an impact, but rather the conflict stemming from it that often has a detrimental impact on their well-being. ...
In this blog we suggest how farming families can avoid disputes. There has been a steady flow of divided farming families taking each other to court over the past few years, usually following someone’s death. Such behaviour has doubtless been...
Move past anger with your ex-partner following a separation or divorce particularly in relation to children. I’m Chris Myles, Collaborative Family Lawyer and a Director of Crombie Wilkinson Solicitors. I recently read an article by Kristin Little,...
This blog gives a great insight into how parenting plans are becoming more and more recognised as the way for both parents to coordinate their parenting, their lives and their relationship with their children after divorce - written by Rosalind Sedacca, a...
Crombie Wilkinson Solicitors have had their Legal Aid Agency contract renewed to continue to be able to provide legal services to clients who are eligible for legal aid in relation to certain types of family matters. Chris Myles, Director and Head of ...
Children of divorce do best when both of their parents continue to be actively involved in their lives. It's the ongoing connection that makes the positive difference for these children, minimising the fact that their parents no longer live together. ...
Insightful words below from Rosalind Sedacca, author of the new ebook ‘How Do I Tell the Kids ... about the Divorce?’ on children parenting their parents during a divorce. Contact a member of the Crombie Wilkinson Family law team for help and...
Parenting after divorce can be complex, frustrating and confusing. However, every day parents are coping with the challenges and raising happy, well-adjusted children. There are many factors that influence your effectiveness as a parent. Here are 4 major...
The answer is yes but only in certain circumstances. Someone wishing to apply for an injunction under the Family Law Act 1996 will be eligible for legal aid. Depending on their financial situation they may have to pay a contribution towards their...
These are four thought-provoking and positive steps post-divorce by Rosalind Sedacca (author of How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce?). If you would like advice on your separation or divorce, please contact myself or a member of the Family Team at...
Do you know what you are entitled to following a separation? Client’s often come to see me and ask about what they, or their partner, are entitled to following a separation, frequently referring to their rights as a “common law spouse”....
This is a thought-provoking and positive article with practical advice by Rosalind Sedacca (author of How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce?) on keeping connected with your children after a divorce. If you would like advice on your separation or divorce,...
During the divorce process it is very hard for most to imagine ever finding love again, even though the previous marriage is over. Many solicitors and mediators talk about a ‘child-centred divorce’ which is how parties are expected to approach...
Did you know that here at Crombie Wilkinson we offer legal aid for family matters. As some of you will already know, legal aid for private family matters was effectively removed unless you could prove that you were a victim of domestic abuse or there was...
We are married, that means 50:50 doesn’t it? Not necessarily . This seems to be the common view formed by most and a lot of people are now dividing their assets following separation without any input or advice from the legal profession. It is...
Many years ago when someone said ‘I do’ it was for life. If a couple’s relationship took a turn for the worse, couples would work on their relationship and not just run to their nearest solicitor. This of course left many people trapped in...
Many couples bicker over all sorts of trivial things. Especially when they have become more disconnected, this is where ridiculous arguments, over pointless things can become big issues. For example, couples bicker about the "right" way to pack the...
This is a very interesting and thought provoking article to read by Karen Covy, author of “When happily ever after ends: how to survive your divorce – emotionally, financially and legally”, especially this time of year when divorce rates...
This is a very interesting article by Rosalind Sedacca, to the point and good advice. If you need help and advice with children matters, do not hesitate to contact a member of our Family Team at Crombie Wilkinson Solicitors. By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT Being...
This is a very interesting article by Rosalind Sedacca, to the point and good advice. If you need help and advice with children matters, do not hesitate to contact a member of our Family Team at Crombie Wilkinson Solicitors Divorce and Parenting - For...
What is a Parenting Plan and what are the benefits? A Parenting Plan is a written document that parents make on the practical aspects of parenting when they separate and divorce. They are designed to give each parent and their children clarity about when...
We are supporting Resolution in their campaign for no fault divorce, because there is #abetterway. Today, 30 November 2016, and going forward, let’s do what we can to support change in the law which will support separating and divorcing couples and...
The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has recently imposed fines on several organisations for data breaches: Hampshire County Council was fined 100,000 for failing to implement effective contingency plans to protect personal data when...
The prenuptial agreement sets out how a couple wish their assets to be divided, or in some cases wholly retained by one party, if they later separate or divorce. It is generally entered into in order to protect individual livelihoods or to maintain an...
Resolution's biggest public-facing campaign of the year, Family Dispute Resolution Week, commenced on the 23rd November and kicked off with a speedy start! Members from York Collaborative Law Group undertook a go-karting challenge in aid of the national...
Week commencing 23 November 2015 has been Family Dispute Resolution Week and we have been supporting the campaign. To keep the information available for people to access, please see the links below you can visit to find out more information about...
This week was the launch of the Resolution Manifesto for Family Law #familylawmanifesto, setting out what needs to change in the family justice system in order to improve the lives of separating and separated families across England and Wales. The...
Divorce is devastating. But it doesn't have to be. There is a better way for you, your family and your children, which family law organisation Resolution is highlighting as part of Family Dispute Resolution Week 24-28 November. Watch the new video from...