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Calling all businesses in Ryedale Pop up Business Cafe
An opportunity to get all the answers to business questions in one place is happening in Malton in February 2020.
The Local Enterprise Partnership with Ryedale District Council and the local business community will be on hand at the Popup Business Café to give free practical answers to questions on a range of business topics.
Business owners and those thinking about setting up in business themselves are welcome to turn up when they like, leave when they like, come back again when they feel like it. It's more like an informal cafe, than a business conference!
The event is completely free, so individuals are encouraged to come along and chat with an expert at this informal drop in session throughout the morning for genuinely friendly and helpful business advice.
To find out more information on the Popup Business Café visit https://malton2020popup.eventbrite.co.uk
For legal advice for your business or new business idea, contact Ian Barnard at our Malton office on 01653 600070.